The Good Gift Wrap

Product design and campaign creation for non-profit organisation HandsOn London as part of their #WrapUpLondon campaign. With Covid-19 making coat collections trickier than normal, the charity needed a creative solution to help them cover collection and delivery costs. So we designed cosy-looking wrapping paper to help them wrap up more Londoners.

With zero media spend, the 3-week campaign helped over 1000 homeless people wrap up warm over the winter months. Earned media includes an interview on BBC Radio London and a feature in TimeOut London’s Editor’s Picks.

The campaign won 2nd place in Campaign Mag’s 2020 agency Christmas Card competition.

Creative and design credits: Scott Shaw, Drew Eldridge, Rasmus Anker, Eliza Miklasevica, Shanon Coast Bowen, Victoria Ives

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